PDFCreator Install getting RootKit Blocked

Just tried to install pdfCreator on win 7 machine-- actually to see if when I installed it last night (on another computer) I missed one of the check boxes to not install the toolbar-- because as soon as I installed it, my malware scan found infected registry keys.

This time avast stopped it before it could start and says:

RootKit Blocked
avast File System Shield blocked a threat. No further action is required.
object: c:.…PDFCreatorWebSetup.tmp
Infection: FileRepMetagen [Rtk]
Action: Moved to chest
Process: c:\Users.…\PDFCreatorWebSetup.exe

… so has something changed and the product is not free of malware?? I realize that it’s packaged with Open Candy - but you “should be able to” avoid the malware by unclicking all the additional install options… Is this a false positive on the install?

Where’d you get the file? What version of Avast! and what VPS versions are you using?