Perfect Keylogger

This thing appear on my pc (with a icon next to the clock) and I wanna delete it. The icon it’s the same as bkp.exe from the folder system 32. I already used avast!, MS Anti-Spyware, Ad-Aware and Spybot, but none find anything. I think that MSA-S recognize it as a BHO and when I open advance tools, startup programs show me in the Registry Local Machine Run section th file 123.exe with the same icon as bpk.exe. The location in c:\windows\system32\123.exe. How I get free from it without mess around my system?

When I click with the right button in that icon a small menu appear. View the Log, Enable Logging, Hide this Program Icon, Options, Password, Remote Instalation, About, Help and Exit.

View the Log: Nothing Happend.

Enable Logging: Nothing Happend.

Hide this Program Icon: A option appear asking to choose a HKEY but I don’t know what is this so I didn’t explored it too much.

Options: Show somethings but I don’t remember.

Password: Ask me to choose a password. I don’t know for what because I don’t know what is this damn program.

Remote Instalation: For a seccond make me happy because a uninstall thing appear but then ask to choose a program to unistall with it. I don’t know what that means.

About: I remember exactly what appear here: “Perfect Logger contact us: This program will help you to take PC under total control. Use the newest solution in the visual surveillance and keyboarding monitoring! Check for update on our site. Build 1.6 2.0 c 2002-2004 Blazingtools Softwares”.

Help; Nothing Happend.

Exit: It work I guess.

This program couldn’t be found in the Program Files or anywhere else in my pc.

So what should I do?
Does anybody had this bkp.exe and 123.exe on your computers?

Hi obake,
You’ll find removal instructions HERE.
Good luck and let us know how you make out.

Actually It doesn’t help too much because the program don’t appear in the Program Files folder. In the site that you say it’s for the Lite version of the Keylogger. The version here is 1.6 2.0
Help please!

Well just now the avast! found the 123.exe and deleted it. Everything back to normal. Even my connection become faster!

Humm now something weird is happening, times in times avast! finds a virus on my pc, including bpk.exe and a lot of dll files. Where can I see the logs from avast! to post more information here?

At this point I suggest that you schedule a BOOT SCAN.
Once it’s been done, let us know the results.

:slight_smile: Perhaps you should consider using either or both of the
following FREE, but good programs that “specialize” in
removing trojans, worms, keyloggers, etc :

1) EWIDO :

2) A-squared :

I think that the Keylogger is past. avas! deleted it. Now what it’s appearing it’s a virus (worm I don’t remeber) called Win 32 Trojan. I don’t know what it do but aparently it afects the Keylogger files wherever it are.