PestPatrol detects aswidle.dll as a Keylogger ?

Today I launched KeyPatrol from my PestPatrol ver 4.2 and it it is reporting Avast 4’s aswidle.dll as a KeyLogger.
Can anyone pls explain if this is in fact the case or that PestPatrol is giving me a false alarm ? ???

I’d rather use another antitrojan or sandboxing utility… as I’ve found the hard way Pest Patrol’s reliability is next to non-existent. :-\

Yes :slight_smile: in aswidle.dll we have a suspicious code which PestPatrol can consider for KeyLogger. In fact, in this file we monitor keyboard & mouse requests and when the computer is idle for some minutes we scan & update our recovery database.

I might add - but of course, the information about the keys pressed is not stored anywhere - all we need is the information whether the user is working with the computer or not, to start the VRDB generation when the computer is idle. :slight_smile: