This is an ongoing problem with AVAST- doesn’t matter which version I’ve updated to but has only happened since 2014. Haven’t changed anything else on the system (WIN764) so I can pinpoint it to the antivirus.
Has anyone else come up with a solution? I know it happens when Avast is just running as normal- no directed scan is taking place.
It’s driving me nuts, can’t play any video/audio without stammering and blurring. Even happens with online streaming!!!
Is there any way something can be disabled within the program to stop this?
Can I contact AVAST via an email to report the problem/seek a solution? :-\
I’m using the normal paid for Avast…is that the internet security version? I do believe there’s a lot of truth in what you’ve said as the problem only really started with the use of AVAST. Other previous AV software have never caused this problem…and there’s me thinking I was on to a good deal by buying the 2 year renewal package!
Any other hints/tips to try and I’ll gladly give people’s recommendations a go…
I’m having this issue too, since I upgraded from free to Premier.
Audio streams from the internet frequently stutter and contain other artifacts. Local files and ones from my NAS less so, but still drastically downgraded.
I’m an audio geek, so it’s extremely irritating.
All the above is the same via onboard soundcard and USB Dragonfly. Sound used to be exceptional. Now it’s unlistenable.
I’m not sure if this is applicable to video files since I hardly ever view them this way.
Things are worse when I open/refresh a web page or even hover over a button. Playing files direct is also disrupted when using file explorer.
I’ll certainly give this a try if the problem persists any further. Is there any disadvantage to using Windows firewall over AVAST? Wouldn’t the AVAST one be more up-to-date- would presume as it’s a paid for service… ???
To be honest, there probably is little difference between the two in terms of effectiveness. The adding of (outbound) rules might be easier in 3rd party firewalls that have a more user friendly interface.
I had a similar with assemblies in AIS 9.0.2008 and AIS 9.0.2011.263. After that I deleted 9.0 and returned to 8.0. Everything works fine again, including Music, Web Surfing, Firewall and so on. The truth had not put 8.0 from the official site, and search on the Internet, as updated from 8.0 to 9.0 and did backup. Now unsuccessfully asking employees to put avast officially distribution AIS 8.0.
Yes, I’ll agree too! I’ve actually manage to get through a Stone Roses live boot from 1985 and the Man City match without a single stutter…makes me sound like an obsessive Manc, honest I’m not ;D
I rebooted my computer and all seem good again. Is there some sort of buffer/register which fills up/gets too large and affects Avast!'s performance. When I used Avast! Free the computer was left on for months with no problems. Currently, I have audio issues after a couple of days without a reboot.
It’s the firewall, somehow it causes high DPC latency. This effect indeed worsens over time, after multiple hours (Days) of system uptime without a reboot something seems to accumulate/clog up.