I’m on Windows 7 and I’m having issues since this update a few nights ago. I don’t like the Safezone drop down, it’s so annoying and distracting. Plus, there isn’t even an option to disable it. I don’t WANT to switch to Avast. I liked it the way it was. Sometimes what you might think is better isn’t. I’ve loved Avast and have had it for years but I am seriously considering letting it lapse if this is what I have to contend with. I might have to do a restore to before this update until my subscription lapses.
Cant safezone be removed via Programs And Features ? double click avast then choose change and untick what you don’t want.
I have nothing in Avast Premier that allows mew to turn off Safe Zone – I can reset it but cannot find a place to turn it off.
Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Avast > Change/Repair > Select " Change" there you can remove unwanted features.
Safe Zone works fine and I suspect the drop down you mention is from the browser protection add on, which has its own settings menu within your browser.
Thanks AdrianH,
Yes I did eventually find out about the change in the control panel and also in the browser settings.
Really, thanks for your help.
If I can only find a way to import my passwords into Safezone I would probably use it – I use a password generator for many of my important sites and that means long, complicated, and none meaningful password - Logging in to Safezone eliminates anyway for me to apply these passwords, except by writing them down and entering them manually- Unless there is a different way that I am not aware of.
Again thanks!!!