Please drop using adobe flash in avast

I don’t use adobe flash in my windows so I cant use statistics.
Please drop using adobe flash in avast.

Honestly, the little it uses IE’s Flash for…you are not missing much.

Besides that, not saying I disagree with you, but you are in what is probably a less than 1% minority, people with no Flash for IE. So I wouldn’t hold my breath too long waiting. :wink:

as Gargamel say…

World’s most popular antivirus software: 195 558 724 registrations and growing.

so unless we get millions of user complaining…it wont happen

If they didn’t use that, then no doubt they would have to use something else to display the animated statistics.

Since the greatest majority of people do have adobe flash for IE installed, that is the lessor of two evils. Either the majority having to install another means of displaying these stats or the minority who don’t have adobe flash for IE having to install it (or not viewing the stats).

There is a simple solution. Don’t install Flash for IE, and don’t bother to check the statistic’s graphs. Avast will work (protect you) anyway.

Meaning: use it as if avast would not include this feature.

Try calling up your monthly activity report – that doesn’t (AFAIK) use flash, and will give you most of the info the stats display would.

It is rather odd to have someone that does not use or like Flash.

What to use instead of flash?

Silverlight? ;D

Nothing. The feature is dispensable. Take it as: “if you have Flash for IE, enjoy of this little extra graph”.

I have been avoiding silverlight as it is totally unnecessary when you have flash and you can’t use silverlight on lower resolution netbooks. That would stuff up the ability of avast to display stats as you can’t install silverlight on the netbook.

maybe html5?

It could be possible, some day. For now, most systems might have flash for IE already, and HTML5 is not that popular. You can keep Flash out if you want. It’s not at all a “must-have” for avast IMHO.

Some day probably Flash will be something of the past, and probably HTML5 will be much more spread and used. For now, avast uses flash (IE) for this extra nice feature.

To be clear, we are only avast users, so this is up to the devs. The point is: don’t wait for this potential change to be effective in the near future.

You need IE9 to support HTML5

No IE9 for Windows XP (or No HTML5 for Half the Planet)

Adobe Flash is only used for graphs. If you don’t like flash and you don’t use it, all you’ll miss are history graphs in avast!. Though i honestly don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s a local content generated by local component which is strictly local and apart from viewing it you don’t interact with it either. So even if someone tried to exploit it i find it very unlikely to actually be possible.

Firefox 10 supports HTML5, and runs on Windows XP. I haven’t used Internet Explorer for anything other than Windows Update for some while. Avast doesn’t use Internet Explorer to show the graphs, only the Adobe Flash ActiveX plugin. Avast would probably have to write it’s own HTML5 module, which isn’t likely.