Please Help! I don't Know What to Do Now..

Here’s my problem :

Everytime I open my Avast! Antivirus this skin problem pop’s out and there’s no avast icon in my tray icon even when I start-up my computer. I checked my start-up programs and avast was there. Here’s a screen shot of the skin problem.

That problem shows up even though I already selected skins to reply the original. And when I close it here’s a screen shot again that happens.

And when I try to report it here and took screen shots. I notice that whenever I press PrintScreen in my keyboard. When I put the screen shot on paint, avast icon is there but actually its only on MsPaint that I can see the Icon NOT in the SCREEN’S TRAY ICON.

That’s All. Please Help…

Try to do a repair of avast :

Control panel > Add/remove programs > click once on avast to select it > click on Change/Remove > scroll down the left pane and click on repair > click OK> follow directions

already repaired it but shows the same message…

Try this

How to disable avast! anti-virus’s default skin

I use Screenhunter for images on screen. it works beautiful, and you can direct the image to the pre-selected folder / (and it’s FREE)