Hello, I renewed my avast internet security subscription on July 18th… I received 2 identical emails since then thanking me for my order, stating its been processed, but still stated it’s awaiting payment. It’s been 13 days! Is there anything I can do to help speed the process?? Since then, my sub has run out and my computer is now unprotected! Someone please help… Thank you!
I can’t help you with payment info, but just as a thought: You could uninstall and switch to Avast free in the interim. A full uninstall and reinstall will likely be necessary.
You may contact avast via this form http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php
In the drop down menu click on “sales inquiries”
There is an outside chance your purchase has been logged.
If that is the reason use this form to re-send purchased license(s) http://www.avast.com/resend-license-paid.php
Make sure you use the same email as when you purchased.
I don’t work for avast so I can grant no guaranties.
But I hope this helps. Please keep us posted.
How did you pay ?
Already checked the status in http://my.avast.com ?