I went onto a Tumblr blog to look at a writing post and it should have been perfectly safe but it tried to download something called chrome.flash.exe or similar. I quickly cancelled the download. But then I was stupid enough to go back to the page and the download tried again, I stopped it at the very last second. Avast gave me a Threat Detected voice and alarm and popup saying “Avast has blocked a harmful webpage or file.”
When I look in my downloads, the chrome.exe file doesn’t have a show in folder option, but it has a “retry download” option.
I scanned my computer and no threats were found.
Does this mean I’m safe?! Or is there now malware on my laptop? Please help, I’m nearly having a panic attack and this is a brand new laptop and I don’t know if I’m really safe or if there’s hidden malware. Because that file tried to download.
(When I click the popup it gives me this info:
URL: kuustom(.)com/tmp/chrome/chrome_flashaddon.exe
Infection: FileRepMetagen [Malware]
Process: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe)
The site I tried to view was its-a-writer-thing[.]tumblr[.]com. It changed to look like the flash puzzle piece thing and said it needed my permission to run.