Can you please remove linuxkonect.com from your blacklist?
Can you please remove linuxkonect.com from your blacklist?
Starting a new thread is not gonna change the answer/response.
504 Gateway timeout
Blacklisted by McAfee, Spamhaus and others:
Security issues :
Contact your host and have them solve the problems.
1º I’ve started a new thread because I can’t see why we should use the same thread for a different problem.
2º That’s not a issue, all the lists that I can find on that list are fake dnsbl ou they don’t accept any kind of contact (I couldn’t find other AV list on that).
3º Yes, that’s a expired SSL certificate, but I can change to autosigned if you want.
Anyway, I’ve removed the SSL certificate
apews and nszone are indeed not trusted.
The others however are.
If you believe otherwise, I wish you good luck trying to convince people that e.g. McAfee and Spamhaus are fake.
Ask avast to review your website.
If they find nothing suspicious/malicious they will allow the website.
Is listed on Spamhaus PBL for being a dynamic IP, McAfee is using the Spamhaus PBL list.
Anyway, I’ve used the form that you gave me, thank you for that.
Hi mail105,
O.K. But mind you have a vulnerable jQuery library there that should be retired asap:
Detected libraries:
jquery-migrate - 1.2.1 : -http://www.linuxkafe.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js?ver=1.2.1
Info: Severity: medium
jquery - 1.11.3 : (active1) -http://www.linuxkafe.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js?ver=1.11.3
(active) - the library was also found to be active by running code
1 vulnerable library detected -
Your PHP version’s open bugs: https://bugs.php.net/search.php?cmd=display&status=All&search_for=&php_os=&php_os_not=0&boolean=1&author_email=&bug_age=365&by=&order_by=ts2&direction=ASC&phpver=&limit=All&assign=&reorder_by=ts2
Also consider: http://www.domxssscanner.com/scan?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.linuxkafe.com
WP issues:
WordPress Plugins
The following plugins were detected by reading the HTML source of the WordPress sites front page.
wp-live-chat-support latest release (5.0.11)
sola-newsletters latest release (4.0.11)
facebook-to-wp 1.2 latest release (1.1)
mailchimp 1.4.2
wp-google-maps latest release (6.3.03)
contact-form-7 4.3.1 latest release (4.3.1)
Warning User Enumeration is possible User and Login go over the wire as clear txt :o User in 2 enumerations is left empty!!!
Compromised sites will often contain embedded iframes that can also deliver malicious code to visitors of the web site. Check any discovered iframes and ensure they are legitimate.
-http://player.vimeo.com/video/76512663?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0;api=1 OK
Well you will have something to do now to make site more secure!
polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)
I unblocked the domain now