Pls Help

Good Morning,
This morning there is another virus update for some reason can someone explain why I did not get any notification by email to tell me why I did not receive any email to notified me as why I did not get one. I mention this to Technical yesterday and he said he did not receive one too. Now it is starting to make me wonder if is my computer. I did a test and I receive my own. When I did it through my hotmail I did not receive it. I use Outlook Express Windows 2000 Professional 5.0 Build 2195 Processor is Intel Pentuim II MMX 350 MHz Plus I did not get any notificatication when I posted it yesterday today. The last problem I am having it my message icon that I is standard but for some reason when I post the folder is yellow and open can some pls explain that I can understand I am not the greatest on computers so if you can explain in details I would apprecate it Thanks again

eh??? :-\

Thanks what ever that means

I think that you would be better to add this to your original thread as they are related.

I don’t think that xistenz understands that pro version users should get and email with the push updates enabled.

If however you are a home user as xistenz and I are, you don’t get an email notification of updates, rather we rely on the auto update function.

I see now DavidR. And you are quite correct, I am using the Home version.

Doesn’t the pro version check for updates regularly like the home version in additon to the PUSH updates?

I still find that sentence amusing though. ;D

Edit: duplicate post removed

When i read this i almost fell out of my chair laughing my brains out! ;D

P.S:Why would you even want to receieve e-mails about updates?I mean i know i don’t want to cause i get enough e-mails as it is!And both versions home and pro have automatic updates so no problem here(are you on dial-up?)

Sorry for the 2 posts i must have clicked something when i was editing???!!!Couldn’t find a way to delete one of them!Oh well it happens ???

Yes it still checks for updates I believe, but at the usual intervals for VPS and Program, so when an update is released Pro users will get notified first.

There is no delete function in the current forum software, but you can Modify/Edit your duplicate post, clearing the total content and adding say ‘Edit: duplicate post removed’ or words to that effect.

Thanks DavidR :wink: