Poll : Bring back VPS (virus update) sound and/or Notification

I want to see other users opinion on whether they want the VPS update sound and/or notification back.

Please post and give an explanation of your reasoning.

Following this thread here : https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=196757.0

I selected to bring both back.

Both back, but disabled by default. Antivirus is suppose to be a quiet thing, sitting there quietly, protecting you, but some people developed an odd urge to have something obnoxiously loud on their PC instead. Go figure :smiley:

Is it only me or there is no more Avast sound when scanning is finished (when nothing is found) ?
Both Smart and Quick Scan.

BTW I selected to bring both back also.

I voted to Bring back both the sound and notification of VPS updates. There should be the ability to disable sound and/or notification. Having the notification was nice, especially since sometimes the VPS server farms in some areas quit working properly. Fortunately, Avast has corrected that situation.

I don’t mind one way or the other. If sounds then the option to disable the sound, but if it is a no return, then the UI needs to reflect that, remove the element for Sounds.

Don’t want them back for I don’t need it.


The first thing I do is turn off all Avast’s sounds. Her voice has scared the heck out of me one too many times plus I don’t care for the interruption.

Thanks for the poll. :slight_smile:

I voted bring back both but disabled by default. Those that don’t want it won’t have to dig for settings to disable it.

This video sure brings back memories with the VPS updates.


bring back both but give users an option to turn them on or off.

I loved the very old avast4.x Alert, now that really was an alert, scared the pants off you along with the Radioactive Tri-foil style image.

Ditto! I miss it! RR

The notification with the sound is something that is re-ensuring for the users atleast from what i have seen.

I have got a dozen of people pestering me with:
avast! isn’t working properly it doesn’t give me update notification with the sound.

So i am voicing this for them.

Give them their chick back… :wink:

Bump… looking at the poll so far, users favour for both VPS sound and notification to come back while some prefer them to be there but disabled by default.

Both off by default. If you want it it’s available. If not that’s also ok and set that way by default.

I thought a few more people would have weighed in on this poll.