I can’t get the pop scanner to listen on other ports, I added the lines as indicated in the help file to the ini.
Here is my log file:
02/15/03 01:36:47: Can not start POP listening thread. Error 10049(0x00002741)
02/15/03 01:36:47: SMTP Server settings changed: smtp.freeserve.co.uk 25
02/15/03 01:36:47: Can not start SMTP listening thread. Error 10049(0x00002741)
Does anyone no what this means? Or how to fix?
Also is there anyway to specify more then one pop server?
It worked once before I altered the file, but after changing it for the first time and then putting it back to defaults it know longer works even with default settings in ini.
Also it is no longer listening on any port except IMAP (which I didn’t change) whether listening ports for smtp/pop are set to default or not.