Pop Up advertising offering a codec to play videos

Pop Up advertising name & site: hxxp://wxw.gameztar.com/go.php?a=1556&l=126&r=8614150685

From the web page: http://getmyspacecomments.com/beautiful.html

I was looking for a comment to post it to my friends on myspace. He was on the page: http://getmyspacecomments.com/beautiful.html

suddenly opened a popup window which he offered to watch a video. It gave me the option of downloading the codec to watch the video. I downloaded it and save it in CVS (part I have in the hard drive to put the suspicious files and send them to avast lab or any other). already sent the file for analysis.

Here the virustotal results:



So the malware is contained on those sites?

Please when posting suspect URLs, change them to de-activate them. Change http to hXXp…

Have you sent it to ALWIL?


sorry, the fact is that sometimes it forgets me to change the http to hxxp. The one that offers the codec download is the popup window that is the one that offers to see the video. Yes, I already sent to alwil