pop up killer

Because I cant run Nortons security on its own, I need pop up killer with avast.
Any ideas please?

Pop up killer with Avast? I think you mean popup killer for your browser ;D
Opera and some other browsers have a real good one build in. If you want to keep using IE (not advised due to the security problems)… The google toolbar is good, and there are some other small utils like popup killer from xFX

Perosnally if you are using ie then id switch to myie2 or maxthon (both use the ie engine and have tabbed browsing) which have built in ad and pop up blockers and block 90% of popups , but are easy to allow ones that you want (for example some banking sites are popups).I found maxthon a little buggy on my old computer.Others with xp havent , so im using myie2.If you do switch browsers and at any time wish to uninstall ,remember to defaut back to ie or any broser that you are not uninstalling to avoid problems.

I also reccomend MyIE2 (Stable version) or Maxthon (same browser, but in beta version with a name change.)

Its a fantastic browser! with lots of features. It has a auto pop-up blocker & Content filter called “Ad Hunter”

Its a top-notch browser! :wink:

Check it out


I follow this, you won’t regret 8)

I personally like GreenBrowser. Tabbed, with built in pop up filtering and ad content filtering. Plus many many other add ins. Get it for the following link:

All of the above advice is good. I would also recommend trying Firefox. It has a really good popup blocker, as well as the capability of adding the ad-block extension for blocking content, and banner ads. Plus, it is based on security as well.


Remember that Windows SP2 will bring a pop-up killer for IE… 8)

Your right,
But, it still doesn’t make it a tabbed browser and at this point, I’m lost with out that ability.

Another browser that includes popup and ad blocking along with tabbed browsing is Avant Browser.

It used to be my primary browser it is now in second slot to Firefox, used when Firefox can’t access some sites that are customised for IE (e.g. don’t comply to wc3 standards) and use activeX

There is even an extension for Firefox that allows you to redirect any link in Firefox to be opened with IE…

That is certainly a handy extension, assuming you want to use IE.

Ill try this one first. Thanks for all your help folks much appreciated.
btw. If you want hosting please let me know.

Good luck! :smiley:

Correction, Im using Maxthon right now and I like it heaps. No more multiple windows open and pop ups. Thanks again.

While all those browser suggestions are good ones, just remember this:

As the other browsers become more popular, ways will be found to compromise them … just as IE has been. :frowning:

This may be a valid point, but since Mozilla and Firefox, for instance, are open-source (therefore making it easier to spot and fix their vulnerabilities in a short time) and not commercial products, I believe there is little chance they may be of great interest to any serious hackers or malware distributing companies.

R. :slight_smile:

Hi CharleyO,

I believe there is little chance they may be of great interest to any serious hackers or malware distributing companies.
That all depends on how popular they become.

Hi bob3160 :slight_smile:

I’m not CharleyO, I’m rosso_acido (it was my post you quoted). :stuck_out_tongue:

That all depends on how popular they become.

This is also a valid point. Although I think that until they do become serious targets for malware mongers, we lose nothing if we profit from their greater security - at least for now. :slight_smile:

Best, R. :slight_smile:

Sorry about the misquote. I’ve just finished installing XP SP2 so for right now at least, IE base browsers should be ok again IMHO ;D