I run Avast 2014.9.xxx and there are way too many popups. How do I deactivate them? Already tried: Settings>Appearance>unchecked Security reports and changed Duration in seconds all to zeroes. What else can be done? Thanks.
You might like to change those durations as 0 means unlimited 1 is the lowest setting that can be applied.
Thank you, sir. So no idea how to eliminate them completely short of program uninstall?
A screenshot of the popup/s might help, but I suspect this related to the auto update notification bug, which is well reported in the forums.
If you browse the forums you will see several topics relating to a known bug about updates.
- no auto update notification popup (commonly displays an avast! tip - Ad, instead).
- no audio voice over for the auto update.
- the popup delay timings don’t appear to work either.
These tips popups have in the past been piggybacked with the auto update update notification, so the only way to get rid of them would be to disable the auto update notification, which if you want the update notification (when it works correctly) would remove everything.
- My guess is these are screwed up auto update notifications, you need to uncheck the Show notification box after automatic update (avastUI > Settings > Update - scroll down to details).
Thanks for the advice. Will try this stuff. Just have gotten so used to Avast GUI and it’s rated well enough so would rather not switch AV programs.
You’re welcome.
Problem solved, eh?
No, problem not solved but they last only a second now so they’re not as annoying. I think accepting excessive popups is just a tradeoff for using free, decently rated software.