Port Blocking


Something is blocking port 119. It may be avast. How do I find out? System is XP SP3, with avast v5 and comodo v4.



Seems several people are having problems with Comodo.

See this post:

I can turn comodo off and the problem continues. I disable the avast scanners and the problem continues. Any other suggestions?

avast never blocked 119 on same os.
comodo 4.x is very buggy - please rollback to 3.14 or use another fw.

What version of Avast! 5 are you running-not AIS I hope. What are the symptoms of the blockage? Do you get any messages? What are your NNTP rules in the Comodo Firewall? Anything in your Comodo Firewall logs? Port 119 is NNTP (unsecure newsreader) and is part of the Mail Shield in Avast!. What is your newsreader? What are its settings? What are your Avast! settings for NNTP? Do you scan newsgroup messages under expert settings? Under your SSL accounts, do you show your NNTP server as unencrypted? Are you using something like Newsleecher which is blocked by some ISPs for high traffic volume? If you want help, you need to tell us about your system and the problem.

The problem fixed itself - after a reboot.

Thanks for the advice.


As reported in another topic, turning comodo off doesn’t stop any blocking by all accounts.

However, this seems to have just been a computer/connection hiccup.

if every prob could b fixed so easy… dreaming
maybe we should all start rebooting our systems 5-10 times a day… ;D