Ports to unblock?

Apologies if this information is readily available already somewhere on Avast’s website… Long story short our new Sonicwall is preventing devices on our network from communicating/reporting to the cloud console. I was wondering if anyone knew the specific ports that I should make sure are opened up on our Sonicwall to allow devices running the Avast for Business client to communicate with the cloud console. The only information I could find for ports to open were for web shield ports for Avast 2016. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also on a side note, has the virus definition update that caused Windows 7 32-bit profile loading issues been fixed yet?

The information should be on the Sonicwall’s website.
Check/ask there.

I’ve checked with them and now I’m waiting back to hear from their support. Just thought maybe someone in the Avast community knew what port their program communicates on. Thanks. ;D


Wow. And I thought the League of Legends community was toxic. Thanks.

I have to agree that Eddy is being a little trollish. The OP was not asking how to open ports on a Sonicwall. He was asking if anybody knew which ports Avast Business required for operation. Not an unreasonable request. This link might be helpful:

Thank you very much. That’s all I was looking for. Glad you understood what I was asking. :slight_smile:


I have many clients on Sonicwalls without issue with Avast for Business. Unless you have changed the default rule for LAN > WAN is to allow. You do not need any WAN>LAN rules as the client polls the console and the console makes no inbound connections.

I believe in the firewall rules section there is an option for a “Matrix” view then pick LAN > WAN and check the rule(s) shown.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this!


I am also having this same problem. I need to know what ip and ports are required for the PC’s to register themselves on the console.

See reply #5