I blocked an app with Comodo Firewall but the links to the app website still work I heard that could be a problem with Avast Web and Network shield someone have any sugestions?
What version of comodo firewall do you have ?
This problem with the comodo firewall and web shield redirect to the localhost proxy is meant to be fixed in the latest version/s. I don’t use it so I don’t know what version number that is, but by all accounts the latest version of comodo firewall has other firewall issues (not related to avast).
The Comodo Firewall version is 5.10 the app is Kindle for Windows when i click in the app links it still goes to Amazon but eg the suggestions box does not send what I write witch is good.
I would like to get rid of the advertising.
Cfw 5.10, Avast! and Windows 7 combination does not give dontrol for your outbound connections. It is like davidR explained above. Avast! Web Shield redirect to the localhost proxy and Comodo sees Avast! as a trusted program allowing the outbound connection. You need to install Cfw 5.12 or the latest Cfw 6.2.
Not a good idea as the firewall on its own comes with other stuff like virtual kiosk which may not be needed.
Comodo really needs to provide just the pure firewall.
I have re-installed v5.12 myself and it works just fine with avast.
I agree with Arnold72 CFW has become bloatware. I tried CFW and had nothing but headaches.
System lags, crash logs, slow web surfing, high CPU usage, just to name a few.
CFW does have some good points but not enough to keep me.
I went running back to Private Firewall. 8)
I would probably be using privatefirewall except it would not stealth any ports on my system.Not sure if this has anything to do with me using mobile broadband?
It installed ok but the stealth issue i could not resolve.
Perhaps my settings were incorrect and i have not found any solutions to this.
144mb for just a firewall.!?
I think not…looks like the av database comes down with it as well.
This is the problem as the firewall on its own is not available.
Did you actually try downloading it? Yes it is available on its own. Do not comment unless you actually try. If you click on the firewall download link it clearly says “cfw_installer.exe”. If you click on the internet security download link it says “cispreminum_installer.exe”. Here is a screen shot to prove it. As far as the installer size…Well ask in the Comodo forums.
Yes im well aware of the installer thanks.
Are you saying that 144mb for a standalone firewall is acceptable.?
Its the same size as the full suite…so what does this indicate to you…?
Ask Comodo not me. But please stop arguing. I proved my point and the screen shot validates it. Comodo has always offered there firewall as a separate download. Maybe the installers are all the same size encase you want to try CIS. That way there the installer is already in your pc. What is the big deal about 144MB? Do you only have a 1GB HDD? Any further questions please refer here.
The Comodo installer contains “everything”. When installing the user “must” untick the modules they don’t want.
The actual CFW size is around 45MB if I remember right. Still, it’s the very definition of bloatware.
I don’t have any issues with PFW being stealthy. It must be your settings.
I have only one port not fully stealthed. That’s to one I don’t worry about.
Comodo firewall only works fine with Avast
Also comodo firewall happily coexisted with Avast IS with firewall when I mistakenly upgraded
I discovered this only when my 30 day “trial” of avast IS was up
The DL may be large but the installer only installs what you check mark