Possible False Possitive??

I believe that there is a FP in this file:


Win32:PrefPoly [Cryp]

Virus database: 090726-0

I have uploaded it to Virustotal with only 2/39

CAT-QuickHeal 10.00 2009.07.25 (Suspicious) - DNAScan

Prevx 3.0 2009.07.26 Medium Risk Malware


If needed, the developer’s site is www.treepad.com



Send the file in a password-protected zip folder to virus@avast.com with false positive in subject and the password mentioned in the email body.

Yeah, I will do that too, I have already uploaded it via the chest. Thanks for that, I forgot…::slight_smile:

it will be fixed immediately… an error in sychronization occured and caused version mismatch in some detections…

Thanks for the quick work, and the update :slight_smile:


EDIT:Scans clean now, thanks :smiley:

The VPS Update version 090726-1 has just been released, check you have it and scan again.

Yeah I did, about 40 mins ago (see the edit) :wink:

Thanks for the thought though :slight_smile:


Strange, I didn’t see the edit bit ???