Possible FP in the site hosting24.com?

I’ve been working with this company for a year, and have my website with them. I don’t need to get into the possibly infected web to visit my own, but I need to get into the CPanel and I need to log in there. This weekend Avast! started blocking the site. Anyone knows why? is it a false positive? are they working on it?

This page seems to be 1 suspicious inline script found.

urlQuery - Reputation: suspicious

So should I just wait until they get it fixed?

if you know the website owner, you could give them a link to this…

OBS: what is it that the avast warning say ?
can you attach a screen shot ?

I don’t know them at all, they’re a server hiring company, like 000webhost I think. I just have my webpage hosted with them. I guess I could get in the webpage from Ubuntu and contact them. Would that be dangerous?

I could attach the screenshot, but it’s in Spanish. Can you see it from here?




please try to update to the latest vps update, this false positive block should be already fixed.


Suspicious for the long script, however I feel it does no harm. A long script for a specified ‘chat’ URL. See attached.

Thanks for confirming. :slight_smile: