Possible new virus, Hallmark Postcard supposedly reported by McAfee AV

I just registered today 9-2-09. I received an Email from a friend stating that McAfee AV has found a deadly virus as an Email attachment
labeled as Postcard from Hallmark. It opens an image of a postcard which will supposedly burn the entire C hard drive. According to
this Email, Norton AV is gearing up for it and Snopes says it is for real. CNN news says it is the worst virus yet and Micrsoft has
classified it is the most destructive virus ever. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.
I am passing this on for info and am wondering if anyone else has heard this and especially if AVAST AV is aware of this ???

It is a Hoax



Welcome to the forums, wb0eqy. :slight_smile:

Did you actually check the Snopes website or did you rely on what was in the email?

Snopes says it is a mixture of a little truth (there is a postcard virus but it is now old & should be covered by av programs) and mostly a hoax. Please read the link below in addition to the links provided by Pondus.


Although the Postcard virus is real, it isn't a "BIG VIRUS COMING" (it's already been around in multiple forms for a long time now), it will not "burn the whole hard disc" of your computer, CNN didn't classify it as the "worst virus" ever, ......

Here you fiend lots of info about chain mails and hoax mails

