Possible spam email network?

Sorry if this isn’t the right place to post this, but I’ve been receiving a lot of spam emails in the last couple months, and I’ve noticed that despite coming from different and seemingly random addresses, they have a lot in common relating to their topics, formatting and the email addresses them, which makes me suspect that they all come from a specific source or network, and I’d like to know anyone have received similar emails and if there’s anything I need to know or can do to counter them. The email address I’m using is an outlook.com account and here’s what I’ve noticed so far:

  • Most of the emails have a single line of clickable underlined text in their body and most of them have clickable images that usually pretend to be text on the email (including the unsubscribe link at the bottom)
  • The email addresses are usually in one of these formats:

[li]xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx (e.g. sabakf@honguvkh.gsi, vvtfkz@hwdxqfoa.odc)

  • 00000000.xx00000000.xx (e.g. 52263313@np52263313.np)
  • postmasterCASxxxxxxx.name.name.co/org.uk (e.g. postmastercasyuuwzdy@mislea.pegasusinternational.org.uk), where the part after the @ usually links to a simplistic website with the text “Submit your application now!”, an input box for an email and an unsubscribe button
  • The first part of my email address is sometimes used in the sender name, subject or body, and the last letter of it may be missing
  • Characters in the sender name or subject may be rendered with unusual Latin characters (e.g. N̷e̷w m̷e̷s̷s̷a̷g̷e f̷r̷o̷m J̷e̷n̷n̷i̷f̷e̷r (̷85m n̷e̷a̷r y̷o̷u̷))
  • Topics mentioned on the emails include:

[li]Asian/Russian dating

  • Antivirus notifications, usually from McAfee, Norton or Total AV
  • Offers to test and keep items like a vacuum cleaner
  • Bitcoin investment offers, including those from “Mark Rilance” with the subject “Insanely Easy Way To Become Rich In 2020”
  • Claims that I’ve won a PlayStation 5, sometimes with the sender’s name being Sony
  • Horoscope readings from “Chris”
  • Loan applications
  • “Last day offers” for CBD oil
  • Emails from “Rachel” at “NoDepositBonus.cc”, offering 99 free spins
  • Emails claiming to be from the UK Government


I’ve also received a few emails pretending to be from a reputable company like Amazon, claiming I’ve won something while having an attached file and a long, unrelated text below the email body that’s in German that’s the same between those emails.

If anyone’s okay with it, I can send you the spam emails I got recently if it can help.

If anyone's okay with it, I can send you the spam emails I got recently if it can help.
If you have a spam problem you should report it in your outlook.com account, see how in links posted


In UK you can also report report a potential phishing message to the NCSC using the Suspicious Email Reporting Service (SERS), i.e. forwarding them to: