Potential virus has been detected, NOT!

Seems like everytime I get an email with an attachment from a new source (one that I trust, from someone I know), Avast intercepts it and tells me that a potential infection was detected. At first I panicked and deleted them, but then I started missing stuff that I wanted, so I went ahead and said continue. After receiving a few of these, I would do a complete scan just to be sure and I came up clean. Is there some kind of security level I can change so that it doesn’t intercept emails that aren’t infected?


Please help us with a little more information.

Is it the same error message that you see for all the emails? If so what is the error message?

Is there something similar about all the flagged emails? For example they all have an empty subject?

Thanks for the reply.

I guess I’ll have to watch a little closer to see if they’re all the same. An example though is like when I get a message from someone in a Yahoo Group that I’m a member of, not all messages are intercepted, actually very few, but some are. My ISP uses this thing called WebMail and whenever it detects a virus it stops the email and won’t let me forward it to my inbox, which is good, but some messages get tossed into a folder called Greymail and I have three choices, I can delete them, forward them to my inbox, or forward and allow. I guess this is what you would call a Spam filter. If I forward, or forward and allow, this is when Avast gives me the potential infection message, but if I’ve selected forward and allow and I get another email form this same source, then Avast lets it through without any interruption.

I’ll try to figure out if there’s something in common with all the messages that Avast thinks are suspicious.

Thanks again,

We’ll look forward to hearing from you on anything more you can identify on the problem.

Okay, here’s a couple of examples of the kind of intercept messages I’m getting (attached jpegs):