I’ve been a loyal, return paying customer for years but…
Every hour I get the nag screen stating my license is expiring in less than a week. I appreciated the reminder initially, but now see it pops up every hour. I was going to renew, but I think I will be going another direction. I will consider renewing only if there is a fix for this - I’ve tried every suggestion to no avail - complete Silent mode, Silent mode + Threats, keeping Offers turned off, … all have no effect.
Y’all have 6 days to clear up my frustration or you’ve lost another customer…thanks,
Personally this irritated me enough to delay my renewing to see if I received any response. To me it came off as “We’ll nag you until you get so tired of these pop-ups, you’ll just renew to get rid of them”. Well I may only be one user but this one, long time paying customer has moved on to another company.
I find it very difficult for you to have a satisfactory answer on this subject. I believe that renewing puts an end to these messages, as you will not always receive them. detail, I don’t like these messages either.