Previous version downloads

Does anyone know where we can get the previous versions of AVAST from. Since the latest version has left us without email protection (Major **** up) , it will be an option to uninstall Avast and install the previous version and update the defs only, until Avast can fix the bug.

Does anyone have a URL where we can get previous versions from?

Since the latest version has left us without email protection (Major **** up)
And by that you mean it is not there? ... or not working?

All (that i know of) mail providers have spam/virus filter on there mail servers so you are protected

You can test here:

May not work with free mail providers like Gmail … and others, because these test has been run a million times with these mail providers

by that I mean the email protection breaks Outlook 2016. You have to disable the Avast Addin to get Outlook working, which is pretty bad, leaving email wide open.

Yes, a lot of email providers have email offerings but a lot of us prefer our own so we can control our own emails.