Printer problem

Apologies if covered before.

I have a print problem. i use Firefox on windows 2000 pro. My security is - of course - avast.

When on Firefox I get message no printer found, but when in Internet Explorer I can print normally - strange, well to me anyway!

Also when i start up i need to have the printer unplugged or I get a ‘blue screen’ message!

My printer is Epson 62 Series and is set as my default printer. have used uninstall reinstall, turned security off, etc etc! Grrrr!

Any help appreciated, I’m wondering if avast is just too good at its job!! ;D

Please, give us more info about the error message.
Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Events.
Search for errors and try to find the info of the blue screen.
Or, if you can’t find, ‘get’ a blue screen again, write down the info, post here.

Hi Tech; thanks for reply. When on Firefox the message is simply ‘printer not found’

On the blue screen:
KMode exception not handled
8041E32D base at 80400000
Check DFisk space (done) If driver identified disable driver or check for updates . Check BIOS updates use restart F8 advanced and safe mode.

Hope that helps!

I’ve asked from the programmers help to see if any of them knows what is going on… it’s beyond my knowledge. Seems a memory (RAM) problem.

I did a quick google search, or, lots of hits not sure if you will find something there.

Hi Just to say thanks for trying, tried your link too. Been round the houses (and the bend lol!) but all I can do is to plug in after start up and print using Explorer. Not ideal but better than nothing.

Have you tried uninstalling firefox, including deleting any profiles, rebooting and reinstall ?

Thanks, will give it a spin!

Your welcome, I’m sure you will let us know how you get on.

But they did not help us… where are you, programmers? :cry: