Prio - Process Priority Saver (32/64bit)

anyone know this little software? (quite nice extension to Task Manager)

also anyone uses it actually on Windows 7 with SP1 ?

any problems

Thanks Dwarden.

I’ll test this application. Some remarks:

  1. Changing the process priority could let to Windows instability. It’s not a task for the average Joe.

  2. Very good additions to the traditional Windows Task Manager.

  3. Silent Elevation: seems a very good UAC customization. People can use UAC more silently.

It happens that you have to often launch a software under administrative access level (e.g. Task Manager or Visual Studio) and every time go through UAC (User Access Control) request. However for safety reason it would be wrong to disable UAC. In such cases the new functionality of Prio "Silent Elevation" is very helpful. It allows specifying a given software for the administrative launch without UAC request. This feature significantly improves the usability without threatening the system safety.

I only MS would get their finger out and make UAC more configurable, user friendly, like this ability to have silent elevation (remember your previous decision, etc.), then people would be less likely to disable it, like me.

Though I use sandboxie for all my internet facing applications to limit risk on my win7 netbook. So I may give this a trial on my win7 netbook.

The silent elevation simple does not work… ::slight_smile:
It has some hours to be dropped of my system…

yeah it’s partly functional on the W7 SP1 64bit …

the digital certificate and UAC elevation maybe isn’t working (can’t tell don’t use that useless feature of OS) …

priority saving seems works, wish it had cpu and core affinity saving too

so maybe it’s working on 32bit? or just Vista … that would be sad :frowning:

the TCP/IP tab in Task Manager is working and very handy

It’s not on my system anymore. Promised much more it can deliver.

Tech it’s oldie software… sadly i not found anything doing the same for MS TaskManager
(i don’t mean standalone Process Explorer and Process Hacker)

Sometimes, the number counts… If nobody heard about a piece of software, sometimes, it’s better not bet that much on it.

Dwarden I think you will find this topic interesting:
Avast, Malwarebytes and Process Hacker

hihi :slight_smile: look two posts back :slight_smile:

ok got it to work … there is just bug in the Prio menu :slight_smile:

services and programs validation now works too

quite neat expansion of the TM …

Dwarden, isn’t this an abandoware?

no idea, it’s freeware for personal use and it works fine :slight_smile:

Which was the last update?

Nothing beats Process Hacker.

tech the last update is i think from 2010 or so …

@granprixGXP noone said it beats combo of process hacker and process explorer …
yet it’s nice extension to Task Manager, double useful for these who are used to TM and refuse learn use something too complex

Don’t worry about this one. :wink:

Process Lasso is another alternative for both temporary adjustments to the priority class of background processes, default priorities, default affinities, default I/O priorities, and MUCH MORE. It is NOT a task manager replacement. Users should also be cautioned to NOT ‘rank’ their processes in importance to them. That is not how process priority classes are designed to operate. With Process Lasso you can just let its ProBalance algorithm do its job, temporarily lowering the priority class of select background processes in high loads – OR you can tweak the system to your desire.

Just my two cents. I am NOT including a link as I do not want this to be considered spam. Also, I am the author, so am somewhat partial to it ;).

It is FREE for use indefinitely, though some advanced features get disabled over time, but NONE of the really popular ones like ProBalance, default priorities, and default affinities.

Welcome to the forum jcollake.
I gave it my thumbs up back in 2005. :slight_smile:


Process Lasso
for Windows NT/XP/2000/2003 only.