i need help, i have new pc with Win 7 and i ahve problem with “Privacy center”. How can i surly and easy remove? I use avast, ad-aware and still have this problem?

potřebuju poradit jak se zbavím Privacy center - furt mě to otravuje, blokuje mi to pc, a neustále se mi to vrací. Mám win 7, ale měl jsem tentýž problm i ve win XP.

Tutorial on how to remove Privacy Center

It’s amazing how many phone calls I get a month for infections like these. I’d really like avast to start preventing these rogue a/v’s from installing in the first place.

Or, for people to get a little bit more intelligent (no offense Lubanus!), and start google searching for themselves when they get infected with one of these. Instructions for removal are all over the web for pretty much every variant out there. It only takes but a few minutes.

here is more info on this but the download link is for spyware doctor at this website so disregard that but instructions for removal are there for this rogue, plus malwarebytes takes care of this.

That’s what Pondus’s link says. Basically download mbam, install, and scan.

scythe944 , yes having Avast defend against these rogues would be super. I concur i get this on clients machines every darn day.

The problem is that the initial pop-ups (wherever they are generated) are not malicious, just pain in the rear pop-ups with a fake alert to scare the user, it isn’t actually doing anything malicious. Add to that the source of these are so varied and various it is very hard to catch them all, before the user panics and clicks the link to scan, visit the site, etc. etc. and boom they are properly infected with other malware and subjected to potential fraud.

If only a common sense plug-in were on sale, as harsh is this sounds people simply aren’t using what they have already.

Q. How can something report your system is infected without being installed.
A. It can’t.
Q. How can a program tell you your infected without having run a scan.
A. It can’t.
Q. How can a scan be run without your permission/approval.
A. I think by now you are getting the idea, it can’t.

Simple really

Alright David, I get your point and agree. I don’t want to get off topic here.

I just wish that something installed on your computer, just by browsing a website, (without asking you (oh, and the browser should be able to stop this too, why doesn’t it? rhetorical question, and I know that FF w/noscript can, but how about the regular users with IE or whatever)) that starts screaming that you have fictitious viruses invading your system that requires this program, offered at $49.95 to remove them, would be detected by an A/V Program.

I know it’s not the A/V company’s problem, as you said, since it’s not really a virus. It’s just that it sucks. The worst part of it is the fact that these programs eventually do cause problems, just like a virus would. They can disable your current A/V product, prevent MBAM from starting, and cause BSOD’s or prevent windows from booting.

Most users think it takes a virus to cause those problems. So they get avast, and think that it can take care of it. But it doesn’t, then they’re on here (if they’re smart enough to look here for help in the first place), and we’re telling every single person that has one of these rogues to download mbam to get rid of it.

Is it possible to state that Avast won’t detect certain rogue A/V’s, spyware, or adware programs, and suggest MBAM and / or SAS as well as avast when they install for the first time on avast’s website? Maybe instead of bundling google chrome with the avast installation, they could bundle MBAM instead or as well, so that users won’t run into the problem of the rogues preventing MBAM’s installation. They’ll already have it installed and ready to go.


This whole thread is just a rant (no need for angry replies, I’m just thinking out loud), because it frustrates me to see these things spread, and we probably only see 10% of the people with these problems in here. The other 90% probably have to call a friend, a co-worker, a family member, bring their computer into the shop and pay money just to get their computers working again. When if they had one simple program, MBAM, it all could have been avoided. Then here we go again, they don’t know to download MBAM because they think that Avast will clean it, when it doesn’t. A stupid circle jerk.

oh well, end of rant, and sorry for adding a useless post. I just had to get it out!

next problem!