pro version update problem.

The free trial of the pro version 6.0.1125

is it supposed to update automatically ?

Because this one is not updating.


yes…what VPS version do you have ?

reset my firewall,
it is now updating silly me,
but it is just not telling me it has updated.

Can i still buy the 4.8 version.
the one version that works properly ?


but it is just not telling me it has updated.
unless you are looking at it when it does, you will not see it.... and if you dont have any warnings that say something is wrong, then the program is OK

Latest VPS

Can i still buy the 4.8 version. the one version that works properly ?
support for V 4.X will end soon

The more i play about with it
the more i am getting to work it out.

it’s starting to look OK now.

reading through the help files helped a lot…

thanks for putting up with me.
bye for now.
