I have a problem with avast antivirus pro after i re-installed OS. I tried to install it and there is somekind of error coming out which does not let me reinstall avast( i still got about 50-60 days left on licence)
any one had similar problems?
To assist you better in resolving your Avast problem, please include in your reply why you re-installed your os. More detail about that might be helpful.
os version, SP version
version number of Avast
Exact wording of error message when attempting re-install of Avast!
What method you used to re-install your os (repair, format/install, etc.)
Depending on the method of re-install, all system drivers needed may not be put back in your system. Including the detailed error message may give us a needed clue. So, providing that, may help you resolve your problem. You can screenshot the error and attach the resulting .jpg in the link below the text box Attachments and other options by clicking that link in your next reply.