Myself and at least two of my users are experiencing these problems. We are running Avast Pro 4.6, and have all of the current updates installed. When trying to delete e-mails that Avast has identified as infected files the attached error comes up.
Please, tell me what I can do to correct this problem.
Thank you,
deactivate the system restore and schedule a scan at reboot.
You forgot the most important bit what is your email program?
When was the email virus detected, during a routine HDD scan or whilst checking incoming email??
We use Outlook 2000, through Microsoft Exchange Server (that comes with MS Small Business Server 2000). I received notification of the infected e-mails through the Resident Protection service. Also, I am new to Avast, and am unsure of where to find and schedule a scan at reboot. I saw an option for this when I installed Avast on a workstation, but am unsure where to locate it now. Could someone tell me where I can activate this feature.
Thank you,
right click on the blue ball → select start avast! → open menu otions on the skin interface → scroll and find the scheduling options
for a more useful access to Avast! functions, download the AvastExternal Control by RejZor at
Thanks, for everybody’s help. I have stopped and started the services, and scheduled a scan on reboot. Unfortunately, I have not been able to test it, or maybe fortunately, I have not received anymore “infected” files lately. I was receiving these messages every few minutes, but they have ceased, for now. Thank you, for all your help. I know where to go should I have any further problems.

we are happy to help. you’re the welcome on the forum. take care 
Extreme care should be taken on scanning MS Outlook’s email .pst (?) file/folder as this could delete your .pst file and not simply the infected email.
It is probably advisable to find the infected email and delete it manually in Outlook and then clear the deleted items folder in Outlook.