Bom tenho o avast 4 home (gratuito) e ultimamente ele tem detectado varios componentes do win xp como internet explorer, DOS, windows media player e outroes como virus, e tbm detecta alguns installer como virus, orbit, winamp, bittorrent e varios outros.
Ja formatei meu pc varias vezes, deletei tudo do das particoes e instalei o windows no hd sem ter nenhum programa, ja baixei o avast denove e continua detectando como virus.
Alguem tem alguma solucao pra resolver este problema, meu avast esta atualizado ja.
This is an english only forum. Please translate.
If you install Windows from the scratch, avast shouldn’t be detecting anything.
Did you format the partitions and started from the beginning?
From where are you downloading avast? From the official site?
Yes, all partitions and installed Windows starting from the beginning. Excluding all files of the HD, and installed Windows from the beginning. Avast I downloaded from the website.
(avast! 4 Home Edition)
Does avast still detect all that files you’ve posted before as being infected?
I mean, do the same troubles appear again?
Are you using a legit Windows?
My copy of Windows is as original, but it is not updated by Windows Update, the only installed Service Pack 3.
When I try to open Internet Explorer him as he detects virus (Win32: Polipos [Wrm]). Only find this virus in several components of Windows
Right click the ‘a’ blue icon and choose avast Log Viewer.
On Warning section, is there any info about the file (name and path)?
These are the data that is it:
19/9/2008 13:25:45 DyegoSilva 3068 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\Arquivos de programas\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” file.
19/9/2008 13:30:33 DyegoSilva 3160 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\Arquivos de programas\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” file.
19/9/2008 13:30:51 DyegoSilva 1860 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\Arquivos de programas\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe” file.
19/9/2008 13:31:26 DyegoSilva 3460 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\Arquivos de programas\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe” file.
19/9/2008 13:34:49 DyegoSilva 3856 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\Arquivos de programas\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” file.
19/9/2008 13:36:43 SYSTEM 1556 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe” file.
19/9/2008 13:38:18 SYSTEM 1556 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\Arquivos de programas\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe” file.
19/9/2008 13:39:44 SYSTEM 1556 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\Arquivos de programas\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe” file.
19/9/2008 14:24:15 DyegoSilva 1568 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\system32\tourstart.exe” file.
19/9/2008 14:24:15 DyegoSilva 1568 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\system32\restore\rstrui.exe” file.
19/9/2008 14:24:19 DyegoSilva 1568 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wmiprvse.exe” file.
19/9/2008 14:25:14 DyegoSilva 3528 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “c:\windows\inf\unregmp2.exe” file.
19/9/2008 14:25:25 DyegoSilva 3528 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “c:\windows\system32\logon.scr” file.
19/9/2008 14:25:44 DyegoSilva 3528 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “c:\windows\system32\logonui.exe” file.
19/9/2008 14:25:49 DyegoSilva 3528 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe” file.
19/9/2008 14:26:46 DyegoSilva 1568 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\system32\tourstart.exe” file.
19/9/2008 14:26:48 DyegoSilva 1568 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\system32\restore\rstrui.exe” file.
19/9/2008 14:27:05 DyegoSilva 1568 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “C:\WINDOWS\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE” file.
19/9/2008 14:27:32 DyegoSilva 2472 Sign of “Win32:Polipos [Wrm]” has been found in “c:\windows\inf\unregmp2.exe” file.
Tech you speak Portuguese?
Yes I do. But I’m not good on cleaning so I can’t help that much.
Forum is the best way to get help from all users.
You seem to have a file infector that is corruption a lot of executable files.
Well, if you install Windows from the beginning, I won’t doubt that you need to do it again, do NOT connect to Internet for nothing (not even register Microsoft) and then install avast.
I will be easier, in my opinion, to have a clean system.
Ok, I will delete partitions and install Windows from the beginning.
Then post the result.
It is most certainly a serious infection, a polymorphic virus that is very hard to combat as it is continually morphing.
Here’s the info on Polipos
This virus infiltrates computers thru P2P networks.
Dr. Web CureIt should cover Polipos.
Thank you, problem solved.
Excluding the partitions and excludes all files of the HD and installed Windows from the beginning. I had no more problems, my pc this new again.
But when put a DVD which was that some programs had written to not lose them are infected by the virus, but already I am by downloading them again. Sorry if I wrote is wrong because it used Google translator to translate into English.
Thanks to all, especially to Tech that helped me a lot.
Dyego, you’re welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)
win32:polipos [wrm]
infect files .com and .exe