Problem in Win XP with multiple users


I’ve noticed a little problem with Avast Home under Windows XP with multiple users logged in. When my wife is downloading emails using Outlook Express an alert occasionally comes up (iframes alert I think). This alert does not always appear under my wifes account however :o. It sometimes appears in my account if I’m logged in. This means that you have to switch users to my account, clear the alert, and then switch back.

Is there something I’ve not set up correctly?


Log Out of one account befor switching dont use fast user switching

Well, yeah, this is really a problem, and there is really no simple way around it :-\ Let’s call it a feature, right? :wink:

Meanwhile, I’ll try to think about it lil’ deeper.


Vlk, will this future feature solve this problem too. I could not make more tests on scheduling tasks into a non administrator account.