Problem opening MS Office documents

Hi all,

I’m new here, having just in stalled the free edition on my system. I do very much love the product, but I’ve encountered a “show stopper” of a problem.

After upgrading my MS Office to the 2003 verson from 2000, whenever I try to open an document from within office I get a message telling me that the file cannot be opened, and that it is caused by antivirus products.

Is this a known problem with Avast? According to MS, the problem is caused by the antivirus product interfering with the program’s ability to check OLE32 objects or something.

I’ve tried searching on these forums for a solution, but turns up nothing.

Any ideas?


What exactly does the message say?
Did you have another antivirus installed previously?

I find it unlikely that it could be caused by avast!, but does it help when you stop the resident protection (or some of the resident providers, such as the Standard Shield) before opening the document?

I bet on AVG free version :wink:
Do what Igor said, see the option for OLE (MS Office) documents:

Thanks for replying so quickly.

I’ve tried the OLE option and even tried starting Windows without the antivirus loading, so in theory it shouldn’t do anything. I’ve even tried opening the very same office files on another computer with the same configuration, and they open fine. Frustrating.

I think I’ll try uninstalling AVG - I’ll let you know if that does the trick!


Okay, I did a complete uninstall, but still the same problem. I guess the problem lies elsewhere.

Many thanks for your help.


The protocol here is speed 8)

But you could check the option to scan on-access the open/created/modified files and then the OLE files would be scanned.

Do you mean, computers with both avast and AVG?

This was your error…

No, you could have ‘messed’ your computer having two antivirus at the same time… ::slight_smile: