Problem opening website in Google Chrome ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS!

Website: -
Opens up right in webproxy. Is this because of https everywhere?
Because I get: Google Chrome returned code 302 to -
GoogleBot returned code 302 to -

I get The HTML document is valid, but it contains some warnings that should be fixed.
Unknown Attribute “xmlns:fb” (At line 2, column 1)
Unknown Attribute “xmlns:og” (At line 2, column 1)
Unknown Attribute “prefix” (At line 6, column 1)
Warning: Unescaped & Which Should Be Written As & (At line 22, column 168)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 22, column 168)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 24, column 25)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 25, column 25)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 26, column 25)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 27, column 25)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 28, column 25)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 30, column 17)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 32, column 25)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 33, column 33)
Unknown Attribute “property” (At line 34, column 25)

Lacks "type" Attribute (At line 203, column 1) Lacks "type" Attribute (At line 222, column 1) Warning: Unescaped & Or Unknown Entity "&utm_medium" (At line 275, column 183) Warning: Unescaped & Or Unknown Entity "&utm_campaign" (At line 275, column 217) Warning: Unescaped & Or Unknown Entity "&utm_medium" (At line 276, column 211) Warning: Unescaped & Or Unknown Entity "&utm_content" (At line 276, column 243) Warning: Unescaped & Or Unknown Entity "&utm_campaign" (At line 276, column 261) Trimming Empty
(At line 280, column 72) Trimming Empty
(At line 283, column 78) Trimming Empty
(At line 284, column 74) Unknown Attribute "ci" (At line 287, column 13) Unknown Attribute "ci" (At line 291, column 20) Unknown Attribute "ci" (At line 295, column 20) Unknown Attribute "ci" (At line 299, column 20) Trimming Empty
(At line 316, column 6) Lacks "type" Attribute (At line 330, column 1) Also: Anyone? Website opens up right in - -> Nameserver there vulnerable to DROWn and MiM attack: I get an error for this address: TMG errors. Trouble on their Varnish Server? polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)

Seems to have been a temp hick-up. Site is back up to normal>
Code to be retired at that website: -
Detected libraries:
jquery - 1.8.2 : (active1) -
Info: Severity: medium
Info: Severity: medium
jquery - 1.8.1 : -
Info: Severity: medium
Info: Severity: medium
swfobject - 2.1 : -
(active) - the library was also found to be active by running code
2 vulnerable libraries detected

A meagre F-Status here:

13 issues with javascripts and stylesheets with missing SRI hashes.

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)