Problem with aswrvrt.sys (Won't boot)

I read a lot of the aswrvrt.sys threads and decided to start a new one because someone said its better than joining a old long one.
So, i have a prob, the PC doesnt start anymore. It stops at the black screen with the Windows logo. Its Win 7 64 bit.

When I start in save mode (dont know the exact english expressions) it always stops at aswrvrt.sys.

I downloaded and burned a CD with OTLPENet. Necessary and Useful?

Downloaded RUFUS and FRST64 as well but I cant find the RC versions at the dropbox said here:

Sorry for the bad english and thanks for the help in advance.

That link is no longer operable as I have exceeded my bandwidth by hosting them

New links, did this occur after doing a windows update

For 64bit systems
2. Windows 8 64bit RC
2. Windows Vista 64bit RC
2. Windows 7 64bit RC
3. Farbar Recovery Scan Tool x64

For 32bit systems
2. Windows Vista RC
2. Windows 7 RC
3. Farbar Recovery Scan Tool

Thanks for the quick answer.

With the update, hard to say, its the PC of my girl and she doesnt know…probly not (90%).

I download the stuff and try to do the USB thing. Now sleep and tomorrow after work i hopefully can tell u more.

modify: hmmmm, cant download the file, no connection possible to :

The link works for me … Try the top level and work down

Now it works. Looks like a temp problem.

The reason I asked about updates is because of this

I guess not because we where in holidays till the 24th. On 25th it was no longer offered as i read it right.

Here we go: (attached)

If this run fails I will look at removing Avast

Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Run FRST as before and press fix.
Once completed retry a normal boot

Tried 2 times, normal and safe mode. It doesnt work and stops at the same place as written above…

Need fixlog?

This fixlist will remove Avast

Delete the current fixlist.txt and replace with this one
Run FRST as before and press fix
Again try a normal boot

hurra, hurray jippiejippiejay. That worked. Now it starts properly.
Thank you.
;D ;D ;D :-*
Is there a chance to install avast again?

Yes but you will need to clean up first

Lets reinstall Avast

Download Uninstall Utility to your Desktop.
Download the correct version of Avast
Avast Free
Avast Pro
Avast Internet Security
Avast Premier
Disconnect from the net
Uninstall Avast via control panel

[]Run aswClear
]It will offer to reboot to safe mode … Accept that

[*]Once it has rebooted to safe mode
[*]In the Select Product to Uninstall dropdown choose the version of Avast that is on your system.
[*]Press Uninstall
[*]Once complete reboot your system to Normal Mode
[*]Reinstall Avast

Hmmmmm, after 1 succesful start it stopped at a different file… :-\ Looks like a system problem.
Now Im sick of it and I formatted it and am right now installing Win 7 again…
Thanks anyway.

Yep there is a big spate of these going around now and it generally affects 64bit Vista/7
The general consensus is that it may be a windows defender update causing it