Problem with Avast 4.8 and Online Armor Firewall

Does anybody have any idea why Online Armor paid without AV would shut off the web scanner in Avast 4.8 professional? I asked in the Online Armor forums and didn’t really get a response. This happened twice when I installed a new install of Online Armor and

I though maybe the firewall was blocking something but I can see by the logs that OA made an automatic decision to allow Avast to access the internet.

I tried to restart the web scanner again in services and I get the following error: Error 10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access parameters. I was only able to get the web scanner to run again by uninstalling Avast and reinstalling. Repair did not work. Everything works okay after the install.

Just wondering if you could shed some light on the problem and what might be happening.


Firefox with 12080 set as proxy.
Spyware Blaster
SuperAntispyware - On demand.
Online Armor paid without AV

I just asked over in the OA forums about this and hopefully will soon get a reply. I was thinking of either using Comodo Firewall Pro or OA Personal. I was fortunate to get a free license for OA. Or maybe not depending on the answer to this. LOL.

I have both programs and they have been clashing ever since the Avast update to 4.8. I thought I had it sorted but problems occurred again after the last program update. Neither company seems to openly respond to questions posted regarding this (by myself or others). I have had some luck by having Avast set to notify me of a program update and then I put Online Armour in the learning mode and download update. If I let Avast update the Program without doing this, either OA or Avast will no longer function.


I used to experience mutual interference between OA and Avast 4.8 during PC startup,
but that seems to have been resolved in recent versions of the Applications.

Have you got all units of Avast “Trusted” in OA Programs
and not just “Allowed”. In my case there are seven.

Incidentally, I now have Avast 4.8, OA, WinPatrol 12.2 and Sandboxie 3.25.13
all cooperating on XP Pro SP3 as well as on XP Pro SP2,
and have no problems with IE7 nor OE6.

jwa & Jeleal,
It might help to know what systems you are running and with what other security apps.

Best wishes,

Hello MauriceW. I use Windows XP and currently run Avast and Mamutu for security. I was thinking of using Comodo 3.0 as I heard it runs well with Mamutu and Avast, but I get cold feet due to reports of various problems people have with it. I know OA Personal is a more user friendly Firewall/HIPS, plus I was given a free license for it. Thanks for your reassurance so far and more input would be appreciated.


Actually, I see Sandboxie as my main line of defense
plus the insurance that if my current OS gets seriously damaged,
as it did last week, I can clone back a clean replacement in about 15 minutes.

I tried Comodo some time ago but found it a bit hard to manage and an absolute b***** to uninstall - so I decided “Never Again” - I do understand that its more recent versions are more user friendly.

What other input would you be interested in?

Best Wishes,

p.s. I haven’t got the time set up correctly on this forum - it is now about 1815 AEST, 6.15 pm.

By reminding me how finicky Comodo can be was all I needed to hear. LOL. I like the program and it ran well for me, but it seems if there is a problem with it. It’s usually more severe than other products like OA. Take care. Oh and to Shyly, I saw your posts in the OA forum and thanks for your help. I’m getting ready to give OA a shot so we will see how it goes.

FWIW I’ve twice tried to use the free version of the OA firewall. This latest version, and the one before that. Both times, following installation the computer slowed to a crawl, and everything was unresponsive, but especially OA. Setting it progressively more lenient modes made no difference. The first time I tried it I was using Avast 4.7. I don’t really think there was a conflict there, but who knows? The PC was so ridiculously slow, I wasn’t prepared to troubleshoot it, although indications from Tall Emu were that I’d be offered plenty of help to get it working right.
I’m also in a minority…it seems the majority who try this firewall have no problems.
The latest version of CFP, is what I currently use. This is much less intrusive than earlier versions tried, (except for 2.4 which was pretty good, here,) and I’d recommend it. Just set D+ in training mode for a few days. Runs very clean here, with Avast 4.8 (Home), Threatfire, CMF, and a handful of demand scanners.

Just wanted to report that for the last few days Online Armor Personal and Avast Home have been running very well together. Did the new program update of Avast earlier and all went smoothly. No PC or browser slowdowns and I even if when I start up Mamutu I don’t notice any. I also liked Comodo when i used it not too long ago and will admit for free it may be better than OA Free. However, there always seems to be a new post in the Comodo forums about user error screwing something up on someones PC and it prevents me from installing it again. I know OA has had its share of problems for some, but none seem as bad as the ones people post about concerning Comodo. This may change with a couple more releases, but until then I’ll stick with OA.