Problem with avast! anti virus interface:

Dear Moderator(s),

I’m really facing this problem very often now. If I click on Start avast! Antivirus (by right clicking on the avast! icon in the system try), it starts memory test and after completing memory test, it doesn’t appear, and makes my PC very slow. And only after I exit yahoo!, msn messengers, the avast! antivirus interface appears. :frowning:

I’ve tried it by stopping the memory test as well, but even then the avast! anti virus interface doesn’t appear unless i exit yahoo and msn messengers and some other active windows :frowning:

But this problem only happens first time when i start avast! anti virus, after then it doesn’t happen. I’ve tried it by re installing avast! anti virus, but still the problem persists.

I’m using;

Avast! Free Home Edition 4.8
Windows XP service pack 3
1.6GHz Dual Core

Please help me , I dont want to uninstall avast! Home Edition, it is excellent.

Thanks in advance.


What happens if you run ashSimp2.exe from avast folder?
Did you try to download another skin from site?

Dear Tech,

Thanks for ur response.

And yep I’ve tried 3 to 4 other skins as well, but the problem persists.

And what is ashSimp2.exe? U can’t run any file from Avast folder i guess. Right??? Will I’ve to send a shortcut of this to desktop first?


You can run directly from the avast4 folder, what happens when you double click it ?

You may get windows ask if it is OK to run it but other than that no restriction.

Has this function worked before as you have been using avast for a little while now ?

Have (or did) you another AV installed in this system, if so what was it and how did you get rid of it ?
As the problem you described is commonly associated with remnants of a previous AV.

Dear DavidR,

Thank you for ur response. :slight_smile:

Yeah i checked it, one can run directly from avast4 folder.

And regarding remnants of previous anti virus, as per ur guidance, I ran registery cleaner and AVGREMOVAL tool, and all the remnants (if any) were completely removed.

Yep, I’ve been facing this problem since I installed avast! free home edition.

It happens only ist time in the current window session, that when I click on avast! anti virus, it doesn’t appear, and what I’ve noticed, I just exit yahoo! messenger, then the avast! anti viurs interface appears. :frowning: And after that even if yahoo messenger is running, avast! interface opens if i click on it.

I don’t know what exactly this problem is. May be I need to re install yahoo messenger.

Even ashSimp2.exe doesn’t open (ist time in the current window session…that is I try it again it opens, but when i restart my pc, again the same problem happens).

It should not be a memory problem, as I’ve 1GB RAM.

Do u’ve any solution for this problem???

It is a mystery to me to and not one I can recall seeing on the forums.

I don’t use Yahoo either though it would seem strange if there is any interaction. I wouldn’t have thought that it was memory related.

You could open Task Manager before you try to run it for the first time and see what your CPU load and RAM usage is. Also check if the ashSimpl.exe or ashSimp2.exe appear as Processes in the task manager.

I know Igor has posted the solution… only that I never copy it out and update avast4.ini file.
It’s a workaround similar to when Sunbelt Kerio started to bring interface problems to avast.

Well this is I believe what you mean, though I’m not sure how it would effect this (though it won’t hurt to try it) as it is normally associated with remnants of memue, etc. not something not appearing.

  • Menu, Display Remnants, Log Viewer Remnants, Graphics glitches, etc. - Menu, Display Remnants, Log Viewer Remnants, Graphics glitches, etc.
  • Edit the C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini using Notepad [Common] section, add the following line to the section SunbeltKPFHack=2, save the file, you will be prompted by the avast! Self-defence module if this is OK answer Yes. Whilst this is primarily for Sunbelt or Kerio Personal Firewalls it may well work even if you don’t use either of these firewalls.

Also see - Also see, which mentions a similar issue relating to McAfee Site Advisor and remnants of menus, etc.

Yeah… I’ve though it was that… maybe I’m wrong.

It certainly won’t hurt to try, but I’m not to hopeful.

Dear DavidR,

Thanks for ur response.

Yeah it is a kind of mystery for me too, never happened before.

In this current window session, I’ve clicked on avast! anti virus, and again the interface doesn’t appear, before opening the CPU usage was nothing and memory usage (physical + virtual) 608/2441MB approx.

Now, the avast! anti virus interface has not appeared yet, coz i’ve not exited yahoo! messenger yet. But ashSimpl.exe is there in the Processes utilizing 8,816K memory.

Ok, Let me try what you have mentioned above :slight_smile:



Dear DavidR,

Oh wow… It is working now. ;D

I made the amendments as u said, restarted my PC, and it is working now :slight_smile: avast! anti virus interface opens even if yahoo! messenger is working.

But just want to know that will these amendments affect the resident shield protection or any other kind of performance/protection of avast! free home edition anti virus ?

And if u have time, can u please explain me what SunbeltKPFHack=2 actually is?

And I’m really thankful to you bro for solving my problem.

And thanks to you too Tech :).


You’re welcome. Glad that it worked. As I remember, some interface glitches could be corrected by that workaround.

A technical explanation here:

Dear Tech,

Yep, I’m glad too that it has really worked very well :slight_smile:

And yeah I read the technical information, but that is too technical I guess.

Can u just tell me adding that file in avast4.ini would have any effect on the performance of avast! ?

Regards. :slight_smile:

None effect. Performance and protection are absolutely the same.

Dear Tech,

Okay thanks :slight_smile:

You’re always welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)

You aren’t adding a file to/in the avast4.ini file it just changes a setting to cater for how other programs/avast interact the ‘system wide hooks’ that were talked about in the technical information. These hooks can intercept keystrokes to do things, like open files, etc. and there are some occasions that these hooks conflict.

This however, is more commonly seen in multiple AVs installed as they hook files so that before they run they are scanned and why this question was asked.

As has been said it should have no impact on performance.

Dear DavidR,

Thank you very much :slight_smile: