I got this message on my computer after running Avast’s recommended boot scan. (THANK YOU, Avast5!)
Avast RootKit Found
File C:\ProgramData\AlwilSoftware\Avast5\arpot\2f7eed0-119c-0.dat
is infected by Win32:Alureon-TJ[Rtk]
And this message altho I don’t know if it’s related to the above or not.
File C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Local\Temp\87F3.tmp is infected by Win32: oficla=BW[Trj]
Needless to say, I will be calling my techie who works on my PCs since the infected PC s the one I do business on. (I’m using my back up PC now.)
Any ideas what happened? Avast has prevented several crashes from occuring the last couple of days. And so far, no viruses on my back up PC.)But it really shocked me reading about thevirus in Avast’s software.
Just guessing but sometimes Trojans hide in the Temp folders and can infect all your software, and change your computer security settings to be recognized as legit software I once had the CCleaner and Malwarebytes and superantispyware all infected…Check your scheduled tasks and delete anything you haven’t scheduled…Also check your “event viewer” for software errors…It should tell you there if you have alot of errors you probably have something…Also Right click C drive and reboot your system and have the machine do an auto check and fix errors …This would set your comp back to it’s original setings in case there were changes made by Trojans…Than do a boot scan with Avast or a regular scan with Malwarebytes…Luck
@ Daris: Off Topic.
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