Problem with BASS files

There’s a problem with avast! when handeling BASS files ( ).
When moving install files, or launching applications that uses the BASS library (i.e. Spider Player: ), the process tends to take an awful long time, because avast! is scanning the hell out of it.
This was never a problem with earlier versions of avast!

(Running WinXP Pro / SP3)

Sorry, I hadn’t updated to the latest avast! version on this computer…
It’s much better with v5.0.677, but it still seems to hang a bit.

You can always tell avast not to scan certain files/folders.
NOT recommended, but if you are sure the files/application(s) will not form a security risk. Give it a try.

Yeah, I know, but that would just be a temporary workaround.

btw; I was wrong about v5.0.677 handeling BASS files better…
I needed to move some install files and run some exe’s today, and it almost brough my system to it’s knees, scanning like crazy!
The problem needs to be addressed.

True, it is a workaround. That is why I said that it is not recommended.
Can you tell me more about the bass files?

  • the size?
  • are they compressed files? If so, what compression is used?
  • any other (technical) details about them?

Have you tried setting the scanners in avast! to default?
If so, did it made a difference?

The author of BASS uses a custom (his own) packer to compress the executables - and it simply takes a lot of CPU power (on avast! side) to unpack it.

This was never a problem with avast! v4.8 and older…
Is this because earlier versions simply didn’t unpack those files?

Basically yes.