Hi, I have a problem with my initial connection to the internet. When I go to internet explorer the “can’t be displayed” form appears, so I go to tools bar and for some reason the connections tab has reset to never dial a connection, I then reset to always dial my default connection, and apply it, but, it always resets itself back to never dial a connection the next time I start my computer.
Also I have a problem with my Spool 32 program, which runs my printer. Sometimes when I’m booting up an “Illegal operation” tab appears and says that the program will be shut down, I then have to restart my computer be fore I can run my printer.
Can please offer me some advise on how to overcome these problems.
Thanks very much.
P.S. If techie gives you any advise, trust him, He’s a genius. ;D
ok Im mostly a Macintosh user but ill give this a shot.
run Scan Disk
start > programs >accessories > system tools
IF you have norton utilities the best way is to run notron system check (windows 95 & 98)
or norton win doctor for 2000/XP
and so the others can help you too – what Version of windows do you have?
Thanks for your help, I tried to scan the disk as you said, but it just kept on restarting because another program was writing to it - what ever that means ???.
I am running Windows 98 SE.
dgkiwi. :-\
I tried to scan the disk as you said, but it just kept on restarting because another program was writing to it
try the scan disk in safe mode
What are your settings into avast for connection? (dial-up or DSL)
You can use Process Explorer to view and shutdown ‘hidden’ un-necessary processes into Windows 98 (even this program is for Windows XP). You should disable your Screen Saver too.
I agree with you ;D
Hi, I’m using a dial up connection. I tried to find Process Explorer, but I don’t seem to have it.
I went into safe mode to scan my disk, but it won’t detect my mouse, and when not on safe mode I disabled my screensaver but the scan program still kept on restarting.
Any more suggestions?
as Tech says check your avast update connections setting. Start avast, click settings from menu, update connections and set to dialup.
Also last week mine wouldnt connect at all when launching IE6. I fixed it by changing IE settings:
1.Select “dial whenever a network connection is not present”
2.Then launch IE, allow it to connect to internet then disconnect it 3.Close IE and change back to “always dial my default connection”.
**(change all settings with IE closed, so right click IE icon and get to settings through properties):
This appeared to re-initilise the connection and it also remembered “always dial my default connection”. Might help you anyway…?
That was a link for downloading it :-[