Problem with Mall Washer Pro


I use the software Mail Washer Pro to check my malls. However Avast prohibits the connection to me towards my pop waiter, if protection mall is active. How to make then?

There are other threads on this board about MailWasher.
Please use the search option to find them and see if they have a solution for you.
THIS is just one of them.


I don’t speak very well english (french)

I havn’t use search

Are you using Windows 98 or Me?
If not, it’s strange that something is blocking MailWasher to work. Here, everything is right.
Can you say a little more about your problem and your computer?

avast! doesn’t block anything, it just scans and reports if a virus is found.

I use MailWasher Pro with no problems, so there may be a conflict with ‘pop waiter’ I have no idea what this is?

I personally don’t scan my MailWasher downloads as the content is only a small part of the email (to evaluate spam and no attachments) and is viewed in plain text. So I feel the risk level is minimal so I have added IgnoreProcess=MailWasher.exe to the [MailScanner] section in the avast4.ini file:

This excludes mailwasher activity from being scanned, even without this setting, it shouldn’t block MailWasher just scan the email content being downloaded. So there is something else in the equation, perhaps your pop waiter?

I use Windows XP

I removed Mail Washer Pro and Avast. I reinstalled Avast and then Mail Washer Pro and that did not change anything

Do you have an idea ?

I believe I offered you some ideas, I asked a question about pop waiter, which been answered.

so there may be a conflict with 'pop waiter' I have no idea what this is?

Tech also asked for more information, “Can you say a little more about your problem and your computer?” that has also gone unanswered.

Without information we can’t offer related advice.
What error messages or indications are you getting that avast! is blocking pop waiter?

The only error message that I have with Mail Washer is:

When I remove the protection of the mail, I do not have any more this message and Mail Washer Pro functions without problems

What is your email program, can you connect with that?

Have you tried the add IgnoreProcess=MailWasher.exe to the [MailScanner] section?
In the avast4.ini file in “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini”:

I have just added this line in avast.ini and nothing changed

My client mail is Foxmail and it is the same problem that Mail Washer.

I can’t connect to my pop server

You must stop the mail service, make the changes, start the service again.
Or stop the providers, make the changes and boot

I have made the change and i have reboot.

It’s same

Mail Washer cannot be connected to the pop waiter, like my mail client (Foxmail)

Sorry, I should miss this, what is pop waiter?

My pop acount

How did you configure Mail Washer?
Did it requires SSL connection?
On ‘Advanced account options’, which port number are set?

Here are options of mall washer

I found the error. As I had KAV of installed, the engine of Avast refused to start.

Once uninstalled KAV, no more PB
Still thank you for your help

Ramses, glad you’ve found the error… I was getting crazy as your Mail Washer settings are perfect.
Welcome to avast! 8)

Thank you for letting us know the solution and a belated welcome to the forums.