Problem with Migrating to New Password Manager Extension

When I opened Avast today, I received a message that the password option is migrating to a more secure browser extension. I have followed the instructions provided but, when I try to import the temporary file created in my downloads folder, I get the following error message:

Can anyone suggest a solution, please? Thanks.

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I have the same problem.
the error on BIN is:

error in csv data Maximum call stack size : dashboardApp.js:6583

the error on json is:

Crash Report: Uncaught Error: documentTitle should be a string at chrome-extension://ekifnffalhhngejphianpodckfadgala/html/dashboard.html#/dashboard/settings

followed by:

Crash Report: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received at chrome-extension://ekifnffalhhngejphianpodckfadgala/html/dashboard.html#/dashboard/settings
Failed to uploadNode:vaultItem errorCode: 413
Error handling response: Error: documentTitle should be a string
    at Object.sendTelemetryWithCustomDimension (chrome-extension://ekifnffalhhngejphianpodckfadgala/ui/dashboardApp.js:6583:113532)
    at ce._gotoImportFailureStep (chrome-extension://ekifnffalhhngejphianpodckfadgala/ui/dashboardApp.js:3104:18199)
    at chrome-extension://ekifnffalhhngejphianpodckfadgala/ui/dashboardApp.js:3085:19520
    at chrome-extension://ekifnffalhhngejphianpodckfadgala/ui/dashboardApp.js:6583:262443
Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.

I have the same issue, unable de migrate!

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please post your password issues here Avast Passwords - Avast Community
so as to keep all post in same area.

posted and no feedback

sorry i cant help as i have no idea what that error code means as the process worked for me.

when did you get the error
you followed these steps


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I ended splitting the files, it appears that the error is due to repeated logins, long URLs, and another issue that I cannot debug due to not having access.
The server error is generic, even with modified url’s:

url of the request (removed my id from it):
HTML Error: 413 Payload Too Large
response: Failed to write datastore. Partition exceeds maximum size

This error occurs even with only one login selected.

The Avast Team should give a more verbose error in the instance of the import instead of this generic error that makes impossible to give the correct feedback to the Avast Team

I’m going to copy this response to the correct forum
correct forum link: New Avast Passwords Manager error on importing - #2 by tlcd96

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