Some years ago I was a regular participant in this forum.
I now find that my account has, for some years, when I attempt to sign in been displayed only in the Czech language with which, I regret, I am unfamiliar.
May I appeal to the powers that be here to advise me how to get my original account reverted to English?
My account was under the name of “alanrf” and if you want references to vouch for me I would suggest DavidR or Vlk who I last met in San Francisco in 2011.
I have encountered an interesting and repeatable problem with Avast that I wish to raise in the forum.
That is if I can get past the appalling verification method you now use for new posts
Thanks for your response. Tried it … too many screens to go through. I hope one of the moderators will be willing to bother Vlk to verify me and get it fixed.