since I’ve installed avast! my browsers (Opera, IE) stopped working or if they work (sometimes) they view sites in a strange way…
I turned off scripts but still it doesn’t work properly
I guess it’s a problem with configuration but I don’t know how to solve it
Are you using the Trial version of avast Professional?
If you disable the Script Blocker module, will your system work?
I guess it’s trial version - I’ve just installed it today and haven’t registered yet. but I downloaded home version as far as I remember, at least it’s what I intended.
if I disable the scripts module system’s working fine, except for the problems I decsribed - browsers and stuff
It may not be Avast causing the “strange” behavior in Opera and IE, since I use both with Avast without incident.
Please describe the “behavior” you are experiencing.
The Home version does not block scripts, only the Pro version.
What Scripts Module did you disable? You may have downloaded the trial version of the PRO which then would account for you difficulty.
yes, you’re right!!!
I’ve unintentionally downloaded trial pro version - should have read information on avast site more carefully.
I uninstal pro and instal home and I hope it’ll work fine.
thanks for help
For now, use the Home version. If you have difficulty, then it may only be configuration dependent upon your email client.
Let me know and welcome to the forum.
You don’t need to do that.
Just put the Home Registration number and your system will ‘became’ a Home (and not Pro).
But, never mind, if you uninstall you can do it again, just ‘un-check’ the items of the Professional version (and Script Blocker). Choose ‘Custom’ installation. These items are at the bottom of the screen.