problem with speed

Hello. I havent good experience in English language but i must write this topic i have speed problem with avast. I have only one core processor 1gb ram etc. I have big problem with playing some videos or typical working with my pc. Is slowly than AVG or ESET SMART SECURITY. I know avast have good scan procedures better than AVG and ESS but i need PC than before when i have this ones. Please make something with avast home edition in core i need good speed to working with my pc.

Translate to slovak language:

Ahojte. Pisem aj v slovenkom jazyku ako som hore spominal neviem dobre anglicky. Kedysi som pouzival AVG a ESET SMART SECURITY a ta rychlost bola neporovnatelna s AVASTOM. Aj kamos si dal avasta a vravi to je pomalsie ako ked mal len skusobnu verziu toho nod32. Chcem tym povedat ze ci sa aspon viete pokusit spravit nejake zmeny v jadre avastu aby predsa na tych slabsich pocitacov siel lebsie. Nevravim ze mame uplne slabe pocitace kedze avast pobezi aj na windowse 98 ale ked na tych nasich to nejde az tak dobre tak na nejakej 400mhz zostave a win 98 musi ist avast dost pomaly. Niesom lajik do pocitacov ale ziadne procesy niesu navyse ktore robia pocitac spomalenym.

troublespeed, which is your Standard Shield sensitivity level? High or Normal?
Maybe you can use Custom and disable scanning of open/created/modified files to get some performance improvement.

High resident protection i have setting now but i dont know difference this ones. I can try change to normal rezident protection. Changes i advertise

Normal is the best balance between protection and performance.
Try… and post back the results.

I had the same problem and tried the advice of going to normal protection and it seems it worked.Now ashServ.exe consumes nothing or near nothing except in the moment when I open the browser.Thanks for the advice!
Caia :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forums, CaiaWalky. :slight_smile:

We are happy that this has been solved for you.

Please come back often, learn more, and maybe help others.

Welcome also, Troublespeed, to the forums. :slight_smile:

Please let us know if the advice Tech gave helped you with this problem.

Hi its better than ever before but isnt as quick as other security systems (AVG NOD32). Yes I need good security protection but isnt priority like speed. Speed is conclusive result. I have problem with playing videos - streaming or sometimes shlashing in video. If I have other antivirus for example AVG it playing correctly. If I turn off VRDB not better. Really often I have problem with loading web pages where is very much flash animations or flash advertisements banners. If I use AVG this problem isnt. All working correctly. One reason why I use AVAST is only for slovak language and rootkit protection. AVG hasnt it. I think its problem in core of avast. I cant comprehension if I want good speed in actual version of AVAST I need dual core processor? Only for AVAST antivirus?

So… don’t go to Norton ;D

VRDB is generated while the computer is idle (or screen-saver time). It does not take resources when you need them.

So get it… maybe it’s because AVG does not have http protection as WebShield in avast. I’m not sure.