Problem with VPS 0524-6

I don’t know if anyone else has had this problem, but ever since it updated I’ve been getting weird webshield scanner activity. I didn’t have anything like this before it updated. I’ve also scanned my PC with Avast, HouseCall, and Norton. All said my PC turned up clean. Here’s the message.

File name:
Malware name: SDFE-ZhugeLiang-4784
Malware type: Virus/Worm
VPS version: 0524-6, 06/18/2005

It’s WEB shield warning so don’t be panic! Your PC is clean. It’s a liitle error in text WEB shield shows, and I hope it will be fixed in other versions of avast! to more user friendly, as now it scares many of non-experienced users. But here’ s another thing: I’ve just opened Yahho site without any virus warning ??? I’ll be even surprised if Yahoo website contained a virus.

Yeah, I knew it wasn’t from my PC. The scans were just to make completely and totally sure. The URL instead of a file location is what tells you. I was just throwing that out there and asking if anyone else had the same problem.


First some generic advice. Have you got a correctly configured firewall and is your OS up to date? Free firewalls are available. Please ask if you need help choosing, installing or testing one, or in updating your OS.

If you have no firewall, your computer will be under attack fro worms, viruses, Trojan horses and spyware within 40 seconds.

As Ylap said, the Yahoo! site is virus free. I’m sure it does carry content from other providers, but again these are unlikely to carry viruses.

There are a couple of possible explanations I can think of. They are pretty wild, but easy to rule out.

The first is that you have some spyware which is injecting malware content into the Yahoo! site, and the second is that you have spyware which is directing you to a bogus Yahoo! site, one which looks like the real thing but contains malware.

I’m not saying that these explanations are particularly likely, or that there isn’t another possible explanation- somebody else may think of one.

But it is worth ruling out the possibility of a spyware infection. If you haven’t already, I suggest you do scans with several (if not all) of these scanners- they all do find something different:

Spybot Search & Destroy:
Webroot Spy Sweeper: (Free working trial)
MS AntiSpyware:
Yahoo! Anti-Spy:
X-Cleaner Free:

Yes I have a firewall and my OS is up to date. Yes my system is spyware free. I do a weekly scan (more than weekly if someone else used my PC, which is rare) and last night was the night for the weekly scan. It was just something strange that happened with that particular update. I uninstalled and reinstalled Avast this morning and now everything is swell again.

I’ve been working with PCs since I was about 5 (about 18 years now). I know how to avoid getting infected. :slight_smile:

That’s good to know. Sorry to teach grandmother to suck eggs but it wasn’t obvoius from your posting that you were a grandmother. :wink:

Does the problem disappear with 0525-0 ?

I think it must have been a false positive Tech. It didn’t happen when I visied the site this morning, so I can only assume it was something in the external content on the site at the time Rufus visted, some ad feed maybe? I guess we’ll never know?