problem with web shield (using home 4.6.603)


I´ve a problem with the web shield…
I tried to play Warhammer 40k DOW but the web shield blocked this application.
My question is: can you implement a port forwarding application to web shield.
The following ports are required:
UDP 6112,6500,27900,27901,29910
TCP 6667,28910,29900,29901,29920


There is no need for port forwarding in Webshield.
Too my knowledge webshield doesn’t block any ports, after all it is NOT a firewall.

It could be your problem is already solved with the latest version of Avast (4.6.612)
If not provide more details.

Zivilist, can you see if this link could help you on understanding webshield working?

thanks so lot. It’s not for me its for another guy. I’ll forward…