Hello, i have a problem and I don’t know who may i recurr to solve it, at this moment I work for a VideoGame Enterprise, we do some files such as armors, clothes, maps, mobs, etc. It is necesary to compile our work to avoid other people to steal all the stuff. Our problem is when the antivirus detects our file as virus and this one is fully necessary to execute the game. How can I contact the different antivirus staff people to check our files and see they have no problem at all…so they can put it on the white list. :slight_smile:

Upload and test your file(s) here if tested before, click rescan for a fresh result
Post link to scan result here

Hello thanks for answering =)

How can I contact the different antivirus staff people to check our files and see they have no problem at they can put it on the white list.
[b]What Do I Do If an Engine Detects My Safe File as a Threat?[/b]

Ohh thank you, Then the only way is to send one by one?


Your VT scan say Analysis date: 2015-12-22 21:15:44 UTC ( 1 day, 9 hours ago )
Did you click rescan for a fresh result?